Interop 2024 Reactions

This is a list of Interop 2024 proposals sorted by number of reactions.

5 CSS Module Scripts
3 JSON Module Scripts
5 Making the `display` and `content-visibility` CSS properties animatable
10 The `@starting-style` CSS rule
5 The `overlay` CSS property
5 The `transition-behavior` CSS property
20 Allowing `<hr>` inside of `<select>`
7 <search>
9 scrollbar-width CSS property
0 WIP: Typography bucket investigation
6 Emoji text rendering using non-system emoji fonts
16 `display: contents` accessibility
3 HTTP(S) URLs for WebSocket
12 backdrop-filter
3 requestIdleCallback
15 text-wrap: pretty
21 text-wrap: balance
7 overscroll-behavior on the root scroller
13 P3 All The Things
0 `text-transform: full-size-kana` & `text-transform: full-width`
2 Storage Access API
65 CSS box sizing properties with MathML Core
22 EXPAND `:has()` to include support for more pseudo-classes
35 <details> and <summary> elements
5 WebTransport API
7 WasmGC
9 Resolve accessibility issues in datalist
7 JavaScript Promise Integration
2 Running WebAssembly Spec Tests in WPT
6 Web Audio API
2 size-adjust
4 font-size-adjust
8 Custom Highlight API
3 document.caretPostitionFromPoint
7 CSS text-indent
7 HTML `focusgroup` attribute
11 Fetch Web API - Content-type parsing
2 CSS :dir() selectors and dir=auto interoperability
15 Notifications API
5 WebRTC “end-to-end-encryption”
0 MediaCapture device enumeration
3 WebRTC peer connections and codecs
1 CSS Zoom
11 Text Fragments
8 Scrollend Events
15 `input[type="range"]` styling
10 Accessibility (computed role + computed label)
7 URLPattern
5 `blocking="render"` attribute on scripts and style sheets
38 WebXR
82 [css-values-5] `attr()` support extended capabilities
19 CSS Multi-Column Layout block element breaking
3 Local Network Access and Mixed Content specification
0 Detect UA Transitions on same-document Navigations
9 CSS background-clip
5 Indexed DB v3
67 Unit division and multiplication for mixed units of the same type within calc()
12 Accessibility issues with display properties (not including `display: contents`)
2 Ready-made counter styles
12 Media pseudo classes: `:paused`/`:playing`/`:seeking`/`:buffering`/`:stalled`/`:muted`/`:volume-locked`
1 `video-dynamic-range` Media Query
1 `inverted-colors` Media Query
36 Masonry layout
3 CSS `object-view-box`
29 Declarative Shadow DOM
16 Trusted Types
10 font-family keywords
12 Streams
9 CSS Painting API Level 1 (houdini)
3 HTMLVideoElement.requestVideoFrameCallback()
6 Canvas2D filter and reset
6 hidden=until-found and auto-expanding details
12 CSS Typed OM Level 1 (houdini)
8 Full support of background properties and remove of prefixes
6 CSS color module level 4
5 CSS `box-decoration-break`
47 WebM AV1 video codec
40 WebM Opus audio codec
11 CSS image() function
24 Web Share API
47 CSS anchor positioning
7 WebDriver BiDi
5 Viewport-Percentage Lengths in WebViews and In App Browsers
13 Gamut mapping
13 CSS element() function
14 Intersection Observer v2
12 css fill/stroke
106 Scroll-driven Animations
144 View Transitions Level 1
62 Navigation API
11 CSS Logical Properties and Values
39 CSS style container queries (custom properties)
2 CSS `caret`, `caret-color` and `caret-shape` properties
646 JPEG XL image format
30 margin-trim
18 User activation (2024 edition)
18 Canvas text rendering and metrics (2024 edition)
52 Relative Color Syntax
83 Popover
35 text-box-trim
32 Custom Media Queries
47 CSS Nesting
24 CSS `scrollbar-gutter`
38 scrollbar-color CSS property